Puzzle Apps CMS 3.2 Local File Inclusion

2011-05-29 11:15:04

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Software................ Puzzle Apps CMS 3.2
# Vulnerability........... Local File Inclusion
# Site.................... http://www.puzzleapps.org/
# Download Link........... http://sourceforge.net/projects/puzzlecms/files/puzzlecms/Puzzle Apps CMS 3.2/puzzle-3.2.tar.gz/download
# Discovery Date.......... 5/29/2011
# Tested On............... Windows XPsp2 + WAMP
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Author.................. Treasure Priyamal
# Site.................... http://www.treasuresec.com/
# Email................... Treasure Priyamal <[email protected]>
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --Description--
# In Puzzle App CMS there are couple of the places you will be able to find
# LFI vulns.
# -- Vulnerable Source
# include_once ($COREROOT . "config/loader.config.php");
# --Sample to LFI--
# --PoC LFI --


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