BugSearch è un portale d'informazione sul mondo della sicurezza web e non che offre una serie di servizi utili a divulgare rapidamente ai propri utenti registrati gli avvisi di sicurezza scoperti nella rete, in modo tale da poter essere avvisati tempestivamente su bachi, falle di sistema, exploit e threats che affliggono le applicazioni e correggerle nel minor tempo possibile.

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Last Advisories
AnyBurn 4.3 - Local Buffer Overflow (SEH)21-12-2018
ZeusCart 4.0 - Cross-Site Request Forgery (Deactivate Customer Accounts)21-12-2018
Netatalk - Bypass Authentication21-12-2018
Microsoft Windows - 'MsiAdvertiseProduct' Arbitrary File Copy/Read20-12-2018
LanSpy - Buffer Overflow (SEH) (Egghunter)20-12-2018
VBScript - VbsErase Reference Leak Use-After-Free20-12-2018
VBScript - MSXML Execution Policy Bypass20-12-2018
Erlang - Port Mapper Daemon Cookie RCE (Metasploit)20-12-2018
XMPlay 3.8.3 - '.m3u' Local Stack Overflow Code Execution20-12-2018
Base64 Decoder 1.1.2 - Local Buffer Overflow (SEH)20-12-2018
IBM Operational Decision Manager 8.x - XML External Entity Injection19-12-2018
Integria IMS 5.0.83 - Cross-Site Request Forgery19-12-2018
Integria IMS 5.0.83 - 'search_string' Cross-Site Scripting19-12-2018
Bolt CMS < 3.6.2 - Cross-Site Scripting19-12-2018
PDF Explorer - Buffer Overflow (SEH)19-12-2018
Yeswiki Cercopitheque - 'id' SQL Injection19-12-2018
PassFab RAR 9.3.2 - Buffer Overflow (SEH)19-12-2018
LanSpy - Local Buffer Overflow19-12-2018
Rukovoditel Project Management CRM 2.3.1 - Remote Code Execution (Metasploit)19-12-2018
Hotel Booking Script 3.4 - Cross-Site Request Forgery (Change Admin Password)19-12-2018
Linux/x64 - Disable ASLR Security Shellcode (93 Bytes)19-12-2018
Linux Kernel 4.4 - 'rtnetlink' Stack Memory Disclosure19-12-2018
Nsauditor - Local SEH Buffer Overflow18-12-2018
Exel Password Recovery - Local Buffer Overflow Denial of Service18-12-2018
AnyBurn 4.3 - Local Buffer Overflow Denial of Service18-12-2018
MegaPing - Local Buffer Overflow Denial of Service18-12-2018
MiniShare 1.4.1 - Remote Buffer Overflow HEAD and POST Method18-12-2018
SDL Web Content Manager 8.5.0 - XML External Entity Injection18-12-2018
Microsoft Windows - 'jscript!JsArrayFunctionHeapSort' Out-of-Bounds Write18-12-2018
Google Chrome 70 - SQLite Magellan Crash (PoC)15-12-2018