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Last Advisories
ManageEngine Applications Manager 14.0 - Authentication Bypass / Remote Command Execution (Metasploit)22-04-2019
LabF nfsAxe 3.7 Ping Client - 'Host IP' Buffer Overflow (Direct Ret)22-04-2019
Google Chrome 73.0.3683.103 V8 JavaScript Engine - Out-of-Memory in Invalid Table Size Denial of Service (PoC)22-04-2019
Ease Audio Converter 5.30 - '.mp4' Denial of Service (PoC)22-04-2019
WordPress Plugin Contact Form Builder 1.0.67 - Cross-Site Request Forgery / Local File Inclusion22-04-2019
UliCMS 2019.2 / 2019.1 - Multiple Cross-Site Scripting22-04-2019
Oracle Business Intelligence / / - Directory Traversal19-04-2019
SystemTap 1.3 - MODPROBE_OPTIONS Privilege Escalation (Metasploit)19-04-2019
Atlassian Confluence Widget Connector Macro - Velocity Template Injection (Metasploit)19-04-2019
Oracle Business Intelligence / XML Publisher / / - XML External Entity Injection19-04-2019
ManageEngine Applications Manager 11.0 < 14.0 - SQL Injection / Remote Code Execution (Metasploit)18-04-2019
LibreOffice < 6.0.7 / 6.1.3 - Macro Code Execution (Metasploit)18-04-2019
Evernote 7.9 - Code Execution via Path Traversal18-04-2019
Netwide Assembler (NASM) 2.14rc15 - NULL Pointer Dereference (PoC)18-04-2019
ASUS HG100 - Denial of Service17-04-2019
MailCarrier 2.51 - POP3 'RETR' SEH Buffer Overflow17-04-2019
DHCP Server 2.5.2 - Denial of Service (PoC)17-04-2019
Oracle Java Runtime Environment - Heap Corruption During TTF font Rendering in sc_FindExtrema417-04-2019
Oracle Java Runtime Environment - Heap Corruption During TTF font Rendering in GlyphIterator::setCurrGlyphID17-04-2019
Microsoft Windows 10 1809 - LUAFV PostLuafvPostReadWrite SECTION_OBJECT_POINTERS Race Condition Privilege Escalation16-04-2019
Zoho ManageEngine ADManager Plus 6.6 (Build < 6659) - Privilege Escalation16-04-2019
AdminExpress 1.2.5 - 'Folder Path' Denial of Service (PoC)16-04-2019
Microsoft Windows 10 1809 - LUAFV Delayed Virtualization Cache Manager Poisoning Privilege Escalation16-04-2019
Microsoft Windows 10 1809 - LUAFV Delayed Virtualization Cross Process Handle Duplication Privilege Escalation16-04-2019
Microsoft Windows 10 1809 - LUAFV NtSetCachedSigningLevel Device Guard Bypass16-04-2019
Zyxel ZyWall 310 / ZyWall 110 / USG1900 / ATP500 / USG40 - Login Page Cross-Site Scripting16-04-2019
PCHelpWare V2 - 'Group' Denial of Service (PoC)16-04-2019
PCHelpWare V2 - 'SC' Denial of Service (PoC)16-04-2019
Joomla Core 1.5.0 - 3.9.4 - Directory Traversal / Authenticated Arbitrary File Deletion16-04-2019
Microsoft Windows 10 1809 / 1709 - CSRSS SxSSrv Cached Manifest Privilege Escalation16-04-2019