MAARCH 1.4 - SQL Injection

2014-10-29 21:05:06

# Exploit Title: Maarch 1.4 SQL Injection
# Google Dork: intext:"Maarch Maerys Archive v2.1 logo"
# Date: 29/10/2014
# Exploit Author: Adrien Thierry
# Exploit Advisory:
# Vendor Homepage:
# Software Link:
# Version: Maarch GEC <= 1.4 | Maarch Letterbox <= 2.4
# Tested on: Linux / Windows

Maarch GEC <= 1.4 and Maarch Letterbox <= suffer from multiple sql injection vulnerabilities. The worst is at the login page, index.php :

login : superadmin' OR user_id='easy
pass : whatyouwant

You see an sql error, but reload the web page, you are logged in.

To change superadmin pass:

Go to Menu -> Mon Profile

Type your news password twice, an email etc, and click on save. New Sql error (history table, so we don't care), but password is changed.

Clear your cookies, return to application url, enter your new fresh password, it's done.


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