WebKit JSC - 'ObjectPatternNode::appendEntry' Stack Use-After-Free

2017-07-25 15:05:20

Source: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero/issues/detail?id=1256

Here's a snippet of ObjectPatternNode::appendEntry.

void appendEntry(const JSTokenLocation&, ExpressionNode* propertyExpression, DestructuringPatternNode* pattern, ExpressionNode* defaultValue, BindingType bindingType)
m_targetPatterns.append(Entry{ Identifier(), propertyExpression, false, pattern, defaultValue, bindingType });

Here's the definition of Entry.

struct Entry {
const Identifier& propertyName;
ExpressionNode* propertyExpression;
bool wasString;
DestructuringPatternNode* pattern;
ExpressionNode* defaultValue;
BindingType bindingType;

The Identifier object created by "Identifier()" is in the stack. So it will get freed in the end of the appendEntry method.


var {[a]: b, ...[]} = {};


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